a Composer, Researcher, and University Lecturer

This is Habib Rahimi

I am habib
I am habib

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Composer and Researcher

Awarded for Several Competition and Call for Scores


Specialized in composing for orchestras, chamber ensembles, and solo instruments. Developed works inspired by Persian music and contemporary techniques, such as: Chiaroscuro for vibraphone and string quartet. Liminal Reflections for trombone and string quintet.

Lecturer at Iran's National University of Skill

Iran's National University of Skill (NUS)


Teaching courses on Composition, Form, Harmony, Music in Animation, Function of Music in Animation, Sound Editing and How to Use DAW's for Media, And Interactive Media Focus on both classical and contemporary approaches to music theory, practice And Film Score.

Speaker at Academic Events

Iran University of Art

2023 and 2024

Delivered lectures on topics such as Spectral Music and phenomenological perspectives on dissonance and consonance. Invited speaker at contemporary music events organized by the IRAN University of Art.

Editor-in-Chief of Sarayesh Music Journal

(EIC) of Music Journal


Managing a specialized music publication recognized as a credible resource in the academic community. Overseeing editorial content focused on musicology, contemporary composition, and innovative approaches to sound and structure. Published expert essays, critical reviews, and translations of notable works by researchers and composers in the field. Authored articles.

Festival Coordinator

Saba Music Festival


Executive Director of the Saba Music Festival, managing operations and collaborations for the event.

Secretary, Contemporary Music Working Group

Iranian Musicological Society

Fall 2024 - Present

• Collaborate with experts and scholars to promote and expand contemporary music research in Iran. • Organize and participate in seminars, conferences, and workshops focused on contemporary music and its intersection with cultural studies. • Coordinate projects and events that foster dialogue between musicians, composers, and musicologists. • Provide leadership in shaping the direction of contemporary music discussions within the Iranian music community.

Distinguished Composer at the 3rd Saba Music Festival.

Saba Music Festival


Recognized as a Distinguished Composer at the 3rd Saba Music Festival.

Winner at the International Vibraphone Project Composition Call For Score

Vibraphone Project


Winner at the International Vibraphone Project Composition Call for the piece Chiaroscuro.


Master of Arts in Composition

Iran University of Art


Specialized in orchestration, contemporary harmony, and advanced compositional techniques. Master’s thesis: Creation of polarization in Spectral Pieces based on Harmonicity and InHarmonicity, Case study: "Partiels" by Gérard Grisey, "Gondwana" by "Tristan Murail" and "Nymphea" by Kaija Saariahoa

Bachelor of Science in Computer Software Engineering

Fasa University and SPNU


-Focused on algorithmic approaches and site development using Python and C++. -Explored applications in music technology and electronic composition, bridging computational methods with creative processes.

Composition Masterclass With Prof. Christos Hatzis.

Honarsaz Music Institute

November 1, 2024

Participated in a five-hour composition masterclass under the guidance of Prof. Christos Hatzis. Focused on advanced compositional techniques and creative approaches to contemporary music.

Composition Masterclass with Dr. Reza Vali

Honarsaz Music Institute

December 2024

Participated in a ten-hour composition masterclass under the guidance of Dr. Reza Vali. Explored advanced techniques in composition and innovative approaches to contemporary music.

Scholarship Recipient – Sonic Art School

House of Modern Art Institution

Summer - Winter 2024

Awarded a scholarship for the inaugural program of the Sound Arts School at the House of Modern Arts. Specialized in advanced contemporary music composition and Sonic Arts, under the mentorship of renowned instructors such as Arshia Samsaminia, Shervin Saremi, and Shaahin Peymani.

Being in touch

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