This is Habib Rahimi

Composer and Researcher
Awarded for Several Competition and Call for Scores
Specialized in composing for orchestras, chamber ensembles, and solo instruments. Developed works inspired by Persian music and contemporary techniques, such as: Chiaroscuro for vibraphone and string quartet. Liminal Reflections for trombone and string quintet.
Lecturer at Iran's National University of Skill
Iran's National University of Skill (NUS)
Teaching courses on Composition, Form, Harmony, Music in Animation, Function of Music in Animation, Sound Editing and How to Use DAW's for Media, And Interactive Media Focus on both classical and contemporary approaches to music theory, practice And Film Score.
Speaker at Academic Events
Iran University of Art
2023 and 2024
Delivered lectures on topics such as Spectral Music and phenomenological perspectives on dissonance and consonance. Invited speaker at contemporary music events organized by the IRAN University of Art.
Editor-in-Chief of Sarayesh Music Journal
(EIC) of Music Journal
Managing a specialized music publication recognized as a credible resource in the academic community. Overseeing editorial content focused on musicology, contemporary composition, and innovative approaches to sound and structure. Published expert essays, critical reviews, and translations of notable works by researchers and composers in the field. Authored articles.
Festival Coordinator
Saba Music Festival
Executive Director of the Saba Music Festival, managing operations and collaborations for the event.
Secretary, Contemporary Music Working Group
Iranian Musicological Society
Fall 2024 - Present
• Collaborate with experts and scholars to promote and expand contemporary music research in Iran. • Organize and participate in seminars, conferences, and workshops focused on contemporary music and its intersection with cultural studies. • Coordinate projects and events that foster dialogue between musicians, composers, and musicologists. • Provide leadership in shaping the direction of contemporary music discussions within the Iranian music community.
Distinguished Composer at the 3rd Saba Music Festival.
Saba Music Festival
Recognized as a Distinguished Composer at the 3rd Saba Music Festival.
Winner at the International Vibraphone Project Composition Call For Score
Vibraphone Project
Winner at the International Vibraphone Project Composition Call for the piece Chiaroscuro.
Master of Arts in Composition
Iran University of Art
Specialized in orchestration, contemporary harmony, and advanced compositional techniques. Master’s thesis: Creation of polarization in Spectral Pieces based on Harmonicity and InHarmonicity, Case study: "Partiels" by Gérard Grisey, "Gondwana" by "Tristan Murail" and "Nymphea" by Kaija Saariahoa
Bachelor of Science in Computer Software Engineering
Fasa University and SPNU
-Focused on algorithmic approaches and site development using Python and C++. -Explored applications in music technology and electronic composition, bridging computational methods with creative processes.
Composition Masterclass With Prof. Christos Hatzis.
Honarsaz Music Institute
November 1, 2024
Participated in a five-hour composition masterclass under the guidance of Prof. Christos Hatzis. Focused on advanced compositional techniques and creative approaches to contemporary music.
Composition Masterclass with Dr. Reza Vali
Honarsaz Music Institute
December 2024
Participated in a ten-hour composition masterclass under the guidance of Dr. Reza Vali. Explored advanced techniques in composition and innovative approaches to contemporary music.
Scholarship Recipient – Sonic Art School
House of Modern Art Institution
Summer - Winter 2024
Awarded a scholarship for the inaugural program of the Sound Arts School at the House of Modern Arts. Specialized in advanced contemporary music composition and Sonic Arts, under the mentorship of renowned instructors such as Arshia Samsaminia, Shervin Saremi, and Shaahin Peymani.

Chiaroscuro, composed during the spring and summer of 2024
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Liminal Reflections
Composed during the summer of 2024, "Liminal Reflection" is my attempt to explore the delicate and often obscure interplay between sound and silence. Drawing inspiration from the Persian Radif system, particularly the Isfahan and Homayun sectors, I sought to create a vague and ethereal atmosphere by freely adopting these traditional elements. Structured in an A B A' C D A" + coda, form, the piece features fragmented and modal aspects with innovative Neotonality elements, treating the strings and metal instruments as distinct meta-instruments while allowing the strings to function as a unified entity. In certain sections, I incorporated minimal pitches and prayer, lullaby-like motifs, aiming for a dyslexical melody that adds to the enigmatic quality of the work. Influenced by the contemporary poetry of Ahmad Shamlou and Gérard Grisey's concept of liminality where music exists on the threshold, blending psychoacoustic layers with traditional forms—"Liminal Reflection" strives to bridge traditional Persian musical heritage with contemporary compositional techniques. Through this composition, I hope to offer a rich tapestry that invites both performers and listeners to engage deeply with its contrasting and cohesive elements, resonating with the profound reflections of Ahmad Shamlou: "…one must stand and descend Upon the threshold of a door without a knocker, For if you have come at the right time, the doorkeeper is waiting for you, And if not, No answer will come to your knocking… Only you There, an absolute existence, Pure existence, Because you continue in your absence, and your absence Is the decisive presence of a miracle… Behold, the short door without a knocker is in front of you…" – Ahmad Shamlou_ "Liminal Reflection" was recognized as one of three winning compositions in the Composition Section of the 3rd Saba Music Festival, marking a milestone in my journey of integrating traditional Persian music with contemporary forms.
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The empty forms between the ivory gates and smell renews the salt savour of the sandy earth this is the TIME OF TENSION BETWEEN DYING AND BIRTH, the place of solitude where two dreams cross between blue rocks but when the voices shaken from the yew-tree drift away let the other yew be shaken and reply. -T.S.ELIOT
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Chimerical Whispers
"Chimerical Whispers" is a delicate duet for flute and oboe, inspired by the ethereal qualities of whispered communication. This piece is built on rhythmic material and subtle imitative techniques, where the two instruments engage in a dialogue that mirrors the fleeting and intangible nature of whispers.
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Guitar Solo No.1
"Guitar Solo No. 1" is a exploration of the guitar’s expressive and technical potential, combining intricate harmonic textures with advanced extended techniques. This composition may challenges the performer with innovative approaches to articulation, tone production, and timbral variation, pushing the boundaries of conventional guitar performance.
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Sovegna Vos
“Sovegna Vos” is an electroacoustic composition that delves into themes of language barriers, the elusive search for a savior, and the existential ambiguity of the modern world. Drawing inspiration from the profound poetry of Mehdi Akhavan Sales and T.S. Eliot, the piece creates counterpoint relationships between sounds, symbolizing the dialogues and tensions between different cultures and philosophies. The composition begins with a deliberate silence, paying homage to John Cage’s 4’33”. This reference is not merely an absence of sound but serves as an invitation for introspection, allowing ambient sounds to become part of the auditory experience. The silence sets the stage for a sonic journey that reflects on the obscurity and vagueness inherent in the human condition. By integrating recitations of poems in Persian and English, “Sovegna Vos” highlights the challenges of communication across language barriers and the shared sense of isolation that transcends cultures. The work explores the universal human experience of seeking salvation in a world where certainty is elusive and answers are obscured. Through the use of electroacoustic techniques such as granular synthesis and spectral morphing, the piece crafts an immersive soundscape that invites listeners to navigate the intersections of hope and despair.
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ZIYAFAT is a performance piece composed for piano, contrabass, violin, electric guitar, tar (a traditional Iranian instrument), and a narrator. Inspired by the profound poetry of Ahmad Shamlou, the work delves into themes of rebellion, love, death, sacrifice, and the enduring struggles of women against oppression. Their words carry the weight of resilience and resistance, shedding light on the layered realities of gendered oppression. The interplay of text and music try to evokes an emotional journey, navigating moments of tenderness and passion alongside harrowing depictions of injustice. ZIYAFAT crescendos into a climactic confrontation, embodying the universal struggle for justice, liberation, and equality. it profound statement—a banquet of emotions and truths served through a fusion of music, poetry, and storytelling. It honors Shamlou’s legacy and amplifies the voices of those who have long been silenced.
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LIMINAL is a three-section work for chamber orchestra, commissioned as part of a year-long orchestration project with Mr. Armin Sanayei at the Pars Music Institution. Scheduled for performance in summer 2025, it represents the composer’s first attempt at incorporating Persian traditional music (Radif) into an orchestral framework. The piece explores the Radif system within tempered pitches, preserving its identity through techniques like glissandos and Klangfarbenmelodie (tone color melody). This approach maintains the fluidity and ornamentation characteristic of Persian music while leveraging the tonal possibilities of a chamber orchestra. For me LIMINAL bridges Persian musical heritage with Western orchestration, reflecting the concept of transitions and cultural dialogue. It is both an artistic experiment and a tribute to the Radif’s timeless beauty.
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